In the middle of the Rotterdam urban jungle you will find Blaak 16, just a stone’s throw away from the Market Hall. Light and bright designed with a glass façade for optimum working mood.
In the middle of the urban jungle, Blaak 16 is a stone’s throw from the famous Market Hall. You can’t even miss the view on the innovative Cube Houses and the steel pipe architecture of the public library. Blaak 16 is neighbour based to the Art Academy Willem de Kooning. In neon letters the Lucebert poem phrase addorns on the Blaak 16 façade – Alles van waarde is weerloos – meaning Everything of value is defenceless.
Light and bright designed with a glass façade for optimum working mood. A spacious reception hall in which the clean lines of the facades have been continued. The concierge coffee bar welcomes every visitor. Frame Offices offers full service support, tenant advisory to all tenants.
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